


2024年1月25日至今 Editor’s note: This article is part of a yearlong series highlighting the stories 和 successes of past 和 present 世界杯官方app 顶级学者s to celebrate the 10th 项目周年纪念.

从进行生物医学工程研究到参加学习旅行, Bharath Ram ’19 took advantage of many experiential learning 程序s offered at 世界杯官方app while he was an undergraduate. These opportunities to exp和 his knowledge outside the classroom were a key part of what drew him to the university 和 to apply to the 世界杯官方app 顶级学者 程序.  

“优秀学者和世界杯官方app让我有机会获得很多不同的经历s,拉姆说. “I had opportunities that I would not have gotten if I had gone to a different school or different city.”

One of these pivotal experiences was Ram’s selection as an Archer Fellow during his sophomore year. The 弓箭手团契 程序 gives students from across the University of Texas System an opportunity to learn about policymaking, 在华盛顿的不同组织实习期间,她学习了历史和倡导, D.C.



在他的研究期间, Ram worked as a research intern for the Global Health Policy Center at the Center for Strategic 和 International Studies, a bipartisan think tank 和 research institution focused on raising awareness 和 shaping U.S. 全球卫生的政策方针. 有抱负的医生, his experience with the center increased his interest in 公共政策 和它的 effects on the infrastructure of the nation’s health care system. It also opened his eyes to factors outside of the doctor-patient relationship that affect an individual’s overall health 和 wellness. 

“The general lesson I took away from it was that a lot of the health disparities I was researching around the world 和 in the United States are caused by disparities outside the realm of health care. 并不是每个人都有同样的机会获得住房或医疗保健, 甚至是清洁的水和清洁的空气等基本服务,拉姆说. “Because of this Archer experience, I learned how so many problems are infrastructural at their root.”

除了作为阿彻研究员在美国首都待了一个学期之外, 拉姆也有机会在其他国家生活和学习. He explored cultural anthropology in Italy 和 addressed health needs in Peru during his days as a Roadrunner. 在秘鲁, he assessed levels of iron deficiency anemia 和 malnutrition in residents of the country’s Sacred Valley region.

我实际上是去社区工作,和人们见面。”拉姆说道. “这是我的成长经历,也是我第一次在国外工作.”

出国留学项目为像拉姆这样的学生提供了动手的机会, 变革性的经验,在那里他们可以建立在他们的知识, 拓宽他们的视野,获得跨文化理解. 与…对齐 从教室到职业计划, these 程序s are a popular way for 世界杯官方app students to exp和 their professional networks 和 increase their career opportunities while exploring new places.

除了他在全球各地的研究, Ram credits the multifaceted education he received as a 世界杯官方app 顶级学者 with helping him shape his educational 和 career goals.

“《世界杯官方app》非常关注多学科, 文科教育, 我真的很珍惜这一点,拉姆说. “我认为这对我自己的教育追求有很大的启发.”

拉姆获得了生物学学士学位,辅修了公民参与, 这条赛道使他能够了解健康差距等话题, 公共政策, 除了他的生物学课程,还有经济学和全球健康.

Similar to his undergraduate studies, Ram’s current work is multidisciplinary in nature. 他同时也是医学博士的候选人.D.) from Baylor College of Medicine 和 a Master in Public Administration in International Development (MPA/ID) from the John F. 哈佛大学肯尼迪政府学院. He plans to become a physician 和 combine multiple academic areas to combat health disparities, gain a comprehensive underst和ing of the health care system 和 learn how it can better serve all populations.

“我有个老婆, 崇高的目标, 但我认为《世界杯官方app下载》为多学科视角提供了很多信息,拉姆说. “It gave me the preparation to balance all these components, which is what I still do now.”

阿彻奖学金项目目前正在接受 应用程序 2024年秋季和2025年春季. 申请截止日期是2024年2月15日星期四.

⇒ 了解更多有关 德州大学荣誉学院 和它的 顶级学者 程序.
⇒ 了解更多世界杯官方app 弓箭手团契.

现在是第10个年头, 世界杯官方app顶尖学者计划继续发展获奖, 有学术天赋的学生领袖. The 程序 annually selects 10 high-achieving students from high schools across Texas to become 顶级学者s. Students join a supportive community of peers who take part in transformative experiences both in 和 out of the classroom, 让他们在毕业后的努力中占据优势. 每个学生都获得为期四年的奖学金,包括学费, 费用, 还有食宿.

The annual 世界杯官方app 顶级学者 application deadline is December 1 of each year 和 includes a recommendation letter, 课外活动和服务活动清单, 还有几个简短的问题. 在申请优秀学者之前, 学生必须首先提交秋季入学申请.


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